Friday, July 26, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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Tag Archives: eco friendly construction

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Sustainable Home Building: New Milestones

sustainable home building

Sustainable Home Building “Thinking green” has turned into one of the most ubiquitous mantras of the 21st century. Faced with the pessimistic odds when it comes to the unpredictability of the volatile weather conditions and climate fluctuations, the humanity has started to change its living habits. The process is very gradual, almost seamless, but the changes are definitely on their ... Read More »

Green Construction, Materials and Technologies

green construction

Green Construction In this day and age, you can hear almost everyone talking about “going green.” The thing is, that trend will not go away, and at some point, every construction company will have to follow in the same direction. This will happen because, quite simply, we have no other choice. We have destroyed our planet, and now we have ... Read More »

Eco Friendly and Sustainable Green Building

eco friendly and sustainable

Eco Friendly and Sustainable Everywhere you turn today you can hear people discussing and considering “going green”. Due to the rate at which we are exploiting it, our planet is not sustainable and over the years we will slowly run out of natural resources that we need to survive. So, if you’re also one of the people concerned with this ... Read More »