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"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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How to Reduce Your Energy Footprint

Reduce Energy Footprint

Reduce Your Energy Footprint Climate change has been a big concern for the past few years. Many studies have shown that the temperature of the planet is increasing by at least 2˚C every year. This has been due to many reasons. For example, nowadays we are burning more fossil fuels like coal, gas, oil and other fuels than ever. When ... Read More »

Smart Homes, You and the Environment

home comfort and climate change

How Smart Homes Are Beneficial for Both You and the Environment Building custom homes has grown in popularity over the past several years. Today, it is possible for home buyers to completely tailor their homes to meet their needs. In many instances, these buyers want to build smart homes that not only offer benefits to families. These homes are considered ... Read More »

Eco-Friendly Home Upgrades

Eco-Friendly Home Upgrades The importance of creating an eco-friendly home goes further than having a house renovated by the latest trends. There’s a reason why sustainable houses have become popular in the last decade and more and more people see the benefits behind this principle. For starters, you’re investing not only in the future of your family but also in ... Read More »

How to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

eco friendly home

Eco Friendly Home Being truly eco-friendly means taking a holistic approach to saving energy and other natural resources. Every goal starts with a small step, though, and making your home eco-friendly is not all or nothing. It requires planning and taking a series of steps to move toward a sustainable lifestyle that does not hurt the planet. More and more ... Read More »

Tips For An Eco-Friendly Facility

eco friendly facility

Tips For An Eco-Friendly Facility Businesses are among the largest consumers of energy in the country. That’s not a surprise, given how many resources it takes to keep the wheels of commerce turning. It also means commercial enterprises have a big obligation when it comes to the responsible use of those resources. Just like everyone else, business owners must do ... Read More »

Eco-Friendly Haven Home: in 5 Simple Ways

home exterior

Eco-Friendly Haven When customizing your own living space, there’s something far more important than visuals and the overall appearance. Your home needs to be the embodiment of your ideas and principles, which is especially true when it comes to the issue of planet-friendliness and eco-awareness. In this way, you’re making a statement while remodeling your living space, which is a ... Read More »

5 Perks of Using L.E.D. Lighting

house method

5 Perks of Using L.E.D. Lighting Imagine a scene where you’ve just moved into your Brisbane home and are currently furnishing it according to the latest design trends, as well as those you personally find to be the most appealing. Still, if you make the wrong choice when it comes to light, you might risk creating a completely different atmosphere ... Read More »

Spend Less, Live Greener: 7 Frugal Tips

top green business resources

Spend Less Frugal living is often connected with saving money and freeing yourself from the clutches of the material world. This type of lifestyle is not only great to save money and make the world more green, but also to help you get your life in order and concentrate on goals. You have to understand that frugality is more of ... Read More »

Easy Ways To Go Green at Home, Not Go Broke

house method

Go Green at Home Going green and opting for a sustainable way of living can often be pretty expensive, so people tend to focus only on a handful of things. If you break things down into several projects, you won’t have to go over your budget or give up your new lifestyle. You need to remember that even a few ... Read More »