Saturday, July 27, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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How To Know Which Materials Are Suitable For Recycling?

recycled materials

How To Know Which Materials Are Suitable For Recycling Have you ever wondered about the ins and outs of recycling? Do you know about the material that can be recycled in your area? You must find that out if you don’t know, as It can help you ensure that your business’s waste is diverted from landfills and recycled correctly. Similarly, ... Read More »

Embracing an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

eco friendly lifestyle

Eco-Friendly Lifestyle In an age where man-made damage to the planet is becoming increasingly evident, the desire for many to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle has never been stronger. Even if you don’t reside in an eco-friendly location, you can still live in a way that isn’t harmful to the planet. Here are some sustainable changes you can make, presented ... Read More »

How Small Business Owners Can Embrace Sustainability


How Small Business Owners Can Embrace Sustainability Today, sustainability is increasingly vital to a company’s success. Your operational practices significantly impact public perception, and a social impact can alter your sales numbers. Additionally, certain eco-friendly choices are actually more cost-effective than their less eco-conscious counterparts, allowing you to reduce expenses while benefiting the environment. Here’s a quick guide on how ... Read More »

Top Green Business Resources for a Sustainable and Ethical Ecopreneurship

top green business resources

Top Green Business Resources If you’re thinking about setting up your own green business and also putting sustainable practices in place when running a business, you’re what’s known as an ecopreneur. As an ecopreneur, you can be at the forefront of the fight against waste, pollution and global warming. Essentially, you’re going to be a hero to the environment and ... Read More »

How to Reduce Your Energy Footprint

Reduce Energy Footprint

Reduce Your Energy Footprint Climate change has been a big concern for the past few years. Many studies have shown that the temperature of the planet is increasing by at least 2˚C every year. This has been due to many reasons. For example, nowadays we are burning more fossil fuels like coal, gas, oil and other fuels than ever. When ... Read More »

Earn Cash With Unwanted Items

Earn Cash With Unwanted Items

Earn Cash With Unwanted Items The second-hand economy has boomed in recent years as technology expands to include apps for selling, and many Americans have discovered just how easily they can benefit from selling their unwanted items. If you have an eye for vintage or antique pieces, you might even go on to make the second-hand economy a new career. ... Read More »

Help Earth While Earning Extra Cash This Holiday Season


Help Earth While Earning Extra Cash This Holiday Season ***See infographic below  With the holidays on the horizon, you may be getting gifts, giving back to charities, and/or spreading the holiday cheer by paying it forward. While these events, gatherings, or get-togethers may be optional, you may still want to attend without adding to the earth’s waste.  It comes to ... Read More »

Freedom from fossil fuels: Cleaner, Greener Cars

Freedom from fossil fuels

Freedom from fossil fuels These days there are plenty of alternative options to running a car – cleaner, greener ways that do not involve filling the tank with prehistoric dead organisms. Here are some of the most promising contenders, along with their long-term potentials to truly break us free from fossil fuels: Biofuel technology Biofuels are increasingly being seen as ... Read More » Reusuable Mask

Reusable Mask Reusuable Mask It’s the sign o’ the times, because you can’t walk out of your house and step into this crazy world today without wearing a Mask, has a Mask to “Show The World Your True Colors.” Who would’ve thought that a Mask would be apart of our daily wardrobe, add this 100% cotton, washable and very comfortable ... Read More »