Saturday, July 27, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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12 Natural Ways to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution

12 natural ways to reduce indoor air pollution

12 Natural Ways to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution When you’re spending so much time inside, it’s important to find green solutions to make the air you’re breathing as healthy as possible. If you want to improve air quality, (12 Natural Ways to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution) minimize toxins and add natural air-purifiers like plants to your home. Not only are ... Read More »

Refrigerator Resources to Reduce Food Waste

food waste

Reduce Food Waste Food waste might not seem like a huge problem in many households. You throw away some produce on one day and maybe some leftovers the next day, but all of that food adds up.   The average American household throws away 32% of the food that it buys, according to the American Journal of Agricultural Economics. And ... Read More »

Creating the Best At-Home Composting System


Composting At Home With landfills filling up and this planet crying for help, there’s no better time than now to start giving back to Mother Earth. One great way is to start a home composting system. Instead of pitching your kitchen waste in the garbage can and forgetting about it, why not recycle it into soil for your yard? You’ll ... Read More »

10 Ways to Stay Sane & Active While Social Distancing

10 Ways to Stay Sane & Active While Social Distancing ***Original Article written by Julie Singh of: There’s no denying that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has put a stop to almost all outdoor activities. With increased home quarantines and social distancing measures, cancelling outdoor adventures has become the new norm. This may leave you bored, anxious, and searching for ways to ... Read More »

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and


Coronavirus As we live through this pandemic day to day, I am seeing a Global effort like I have never seen before. It is very comforting and positive to see such concern and effort to help mankind and the home of mankind (Earth). I am not a Dr. or a scientist, I am a person much like my neighbor and ... Read More »

Ride A Bike To Work

Ride A Bike To Work

Ride A Bike To Work Bike commuting became popular some years ago, when more cars could be seen on the road than people in your nearest mall. But now, common sense of people has developed to the point that they want to commute in the most simple, effective way, the bike. Here we list 8 reasons why you should go ... Read More »

The Low Down on Plastic Bottled Water

plastic water bottles

Plastic Bottled Water ***Note from publisher: Michael R. Craig I feel the 2 biggest concerns regarding our future on EARTH are: Plastic and Population! The concept of the bottled water has been around for over two centuries. When plastic was invented, the world saw a rise in the production of plastic bottled water because it is convenient. Most of all, ... Read More »

Water Stress Is Real

Water Stress Is Real

Water Stress Is Real The rate of water use is increasing worldwide, the reason for this is the population is growing and people generally are using more water. Currently, over two billion people live in areas of high water stress and by 2050, seven billion people will face water scarcity or stress conditions. We all need to look at ways ... Read More »

5 Eco-Friendly Products You Can Use Every Day

5 Eco-Friendly Products You Can Use Every Day

5 Eco-Friendly Products You Can Use Every Day It is essential to recognize that our everyday actions can either make a positive difference to our environment and promote a healthy ecosystem, or they can exert a deleterious effect on the ecosystem. Mostly, the tendency has been much towards the latter. As a result, our planet is currently in a severe ... Read More »