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Environmentally Friendly Ways to Celebrate

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Environmentally Friendly Ways to Celebrate

Special occasions bring opportunities to get together with the friends and family and celebrate together. So, when you are coming together for holidays, birthdays and other celebrations why not make an effort towards the betterment of the environment as well.

At the time of celebrating a special occasion you can make it memorable for all your guests. But the amount of carbon footprints that you leave behind can take a major toll on the environment. Since it is one thing that we should all give a thought about here are some of the ways in which you can celebrate an occasion in an environment-friendly way.

The best part in this case is that many of these are as kind to the wallet as they are on the planet. Just read on to find how!


  • Go Green with Gift Wraps – Try to make your own wrapping paper with magazines, newspapers or catalogues instead of going for those available in the gift shops that mostly end up in the landfills. You can also use fabric for wrapping gifts like wrapping a cookbook in a scarf or a dish towel. Another eco-conscious way to present gifts is using reusable gift bags. They are much simpler to use than wrapping papers.


  • Plant More Trees – One of the best ways to celebrate any occasion is to plant more and more trees. Trees help to keep the environment clean and also assist in providing a healthier environment.


  • Send Greeting Cards – You can create your own cards instead of buying. Use recycled paper or computer graphics or art supplies. In fact, there are people who keep the old cards, cut out the images and use them to make gift tags or new cards. Nowadays, ecards are also there that can help you to go paperless.


  • Lighting – At the time of preparing for any occasion you should try the eco-friendly lights. The LED lights are particularly great in this case. They consume less energy and at the same time they are safe for the environment, too. You can also opt for beautiful earthen diyas. You can also choose the non-toxic candles that are chemical-free. This way you can go green and decrease the detrimental impact on the environment in a
    great way.


  •  Keep the Planet in Mind While Decorating – Traditional decorations are usually made of paper or plastic and they have detrimental effects on the environment and ultimately lead to a lot of waste formation once you are done with the occasion. But many businesses and authorities are now coming forward with stricter rules regarding materials to be used in these types of products. They are preferring the recycled products. Hence before making the purchase, you should check the materials from which they are made. The homemakers can take in more responsibility and create the decorations. The young members of the family can take special interest in this case. Once the party is done you can store the decorations away for future use or discard them with responsibility.


  • Food and Drinks – By opting for the organic edibles, you can actually kill two birds with one stone. Eating healthy foods and drinks is not only beneficial for your body but can also prove to be advantageous for the environment. You should check the source of the foods that you and your guests will be eating. Your main aim should be to purchase local foods without antibiotics and pesticides. You can even grow the food and produce your own drinks. This can be a very rewarding practice.


  • Gifts – These days eco-friendly gifts are in great vogue. You can decorate your own small gift packages with paints, pens and papers and offer them to the attendees. You can offer biodegradable or recyclable presents like eco-friendly pens or make-ups or diaries that are available in plenty today. You can also gift them beautiful plants.

The above are some of the ways in which you can celebrate any occasion in an eco-friendly manner. These are suggested by the experts of an event management company of repute who have organized several events in the past and know well how much amount of money and resources are spent on events. Through the ways mentioned above you cannot only have fun and make the most of your occasion but also contribute your bit to save the planet.

Article written for by, Praveen Singh: writer and blogger, and a professional interested in sharing interesting ideas with the world. His blogs give a peek into things that aim to inform, enrich and entertain the readers. He loves sharing views on anything that provides value to the readers and helps broaden their horizon.