Friday, July 26, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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Off-World Habitation: A Stimulus for Sustainability on Earth


Off-World Habitation: A Stimulus for Sustainability on Earth We all know that the space industry provides us with various opportunities that will enhance different aspects of life and work on Earth. But did you know that within space exploration lies the potential for sustainability on our planet? From pioneering advancements in renewable energy to monitoring and mitigating climate change, the ... Read More »

Top Green Business Resources for a Sustainable and Ethical Ecopreneurship

top green business resources

Top Green Business Resources If you’re thinking about setting up your own green business and also putting sustainable practices in place when running a business, you’re what’s known as an ecopreneur. As an ecopreneur, you can be at the forefront of the fight against waste, pollution and global warming. Essentially, you’re going to be a hero to the environment and ... Read More »

Be More Environmentally Friendly

Be More Environmentally Friendly

Surprising Ways to Be More Environmentally Friendly People all over the world are coming to recognize the value of living a sustainable life. Obviously there are myriad benefits to the environment. The more you can reduce waste in your life, the less plastic and trash there is to pollute our land and oceans. Our planet needs us to learn to ... Read More »

12 Natural Ways to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution

12 natural ways to reduce indoor air pollution

12 Natural Ways to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution When you’re spending so much time inside, it’s important to find green solutions to make the air you’re breathing as healthy as possible. If you want to improve air quality, (12 Natural Ways to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution) minimize toxins and add natural air-purifiers like plants to your home. Not only are ... Read More »

Help Earth While Earning Extra Cash This Holiday Season


Help Earth While Earning Extra Cash This Holiday Season ***See infographic below  With the holidays on the horizon, you may be getting gifts, giving back to charities, and/or spreading the holiday cheer by paying it forward. While these events, gatherings, or get-togethers may be optional, you may still want to attend without adding to the earth’s waste.  It comes to ... Read More »

Improving The Air Quality In Your House With Plants

12 natural ways to reduce indoor air pollution

Improving The Air Quality In Your House With Plants The average adult spends most of their life indoors, between work, spending time at home, and sleeping. This means that the quality of the air in our homes and offices has a huge effect on our long term health. There are lots of great ways to improve the air quality in ... Read More »

5 Eco-friendly Balcony Garden Ideas

eco friendly balcony

5 Eco -Friendly Balcony Garden Ideas Before beginning any home projects or making any purchases, it’s important to consider the impact it may have on the environment. A recent study from Science noted that we have already emitted enough CO2 to be halfway to the doubling point of 560 parts per million, and the planet could reach that threshold by ... Read More »

What Is Your Environmental Impact?

recycled materials

Click Photo to Learn How To Save on Utility Costs What Is Your Environmental Impact? Here is a useful tool brought to us by: Environmental Impact is defined as ones daily routine and the effect it has on the environment. It’s never too late to change our daily routine and lesson the damage done to our planet Earth, it ... Read More »

Creating the Best At-Home Composting System


Composting At Home With landfills filling up and this planet crying for help, there’s no better time than now to start giving back to Mother Earth. One great way is to start a home composting system. Instead of pitching your kitchen waste in the garbage can and forgetting about it, why not recycle it into soil for your yard? You’ll ... Read More »