Friday, July 26, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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Be More Environmentally Friendly

Be More Environmentally Friendly

Surprising Ways to Be More Environmentally Friendly People all over the world are coming to recognize the value of living a sustainable life. Obviously there are myriad benefits to the environment. The more you can reduce waste in your life, the less plastic and trash there is to pollute our land and oceans. Our planet needs us to learn to ... Read More »

Smart Homes, You and the Environment

home comfort and climate change

How Smart Homes Are Beneficial for Both You and the Environment Building custom homes has grown in popularity over the past several years. Today, it is possible for home buyers to completely tailor their homes to meet their needs. In many instances, these buyers want to build smart homes that not only offer benefits to families. These homes are considered ... Read More »

14 Items That Could Clog Your Pipes and Harm the Environment

14 Items That Could Clog Your Pipes

14 Items That Could Clog Your Pipes and Harm the Environment There are many small changes you can make to be more environmentally friendly in your daily routine. From being conscious of what you consume to considering what material your wardrobe is made of, these little decisions lead to a more sustainable lifestyle. Something you may not have considered is ... Read More »

Earth-Sheltered Homes: Anatomy and Benefits

earth sheltered homes

Earth-Sheltered Homes: Anatomy and Benefits The typical four-walled home that we all have come to know and love isn’t the only option available for homeowners anymore. With today’s advancements in construction technology and architectural design, it’s now possible, now more than ever, to both live comfortably, be eco-conscious, and live out your Lord of the Rings fantasies and live like ... Read More »

How to Write a Clear Environmental Policy for Your Company

How to Write a Clear Environmental Policy for Your Company

How to Write a Clear Environmental Policy for Your Company Adopting green practices may not be on your list of priorities as a small and medium-sized company. However, you should bear in mind that many customers today view environmentally-conscious companies as the most trustworthy. Moreover, in Britain, as you need to be compliant with certain legal and environmental requirements, making ... Read More »

Green Investing: Why You Should Invest in the Environment

top green business resources

Green Investing One of the best things about the green movement is that anyone can get involved! No matter what your situation is, there’s some way to help, whether it’s volunteering with a local organization or simply making eco-friendly household swaps. While those things are great, we have reached a critical point where we’re going to need to do more ... Read More »

Wooden Pallets vs Plastic Pallets

wooden vs plastic pallets

Wooden Pallets vs Plastic Pallets When you have transport or storage industry, there are many things which need to be considered. Pallets are used to transport and store products in the industries. We know that pallets are the best solution for the storage and transport industries. But there are some important points which need to be considered when you are ... Read More »

Legalized Marijuana, Good for the Planet?

legalized marijuana

Legalized Marijuana The movement for legalized marijuana use and cultivation is picking up steam across the U.S. In California medical marijuana has been legal since 1996, while recreational use—though still not legal—is widely accepted with possession of small amounts as a minor misdemeanor. Since then, multiple other states have followed on California’s footsteps in legalizing the popular plant or at ... Read More »

Environmental Hazards Audit

environmental hazards

Environmental Hazards A healthy environment is very important for the well being of human beings, animals, and plants. Hence, it is necessary to take proper care of the environment, by following certain definite guidelines. The environmental hazards audit is very useful for ascertaining the environmental health and safety management system that can be adopted by a company so that it ... Read More »