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Energy Saving Checklist: (Commercial Buildings)

energy saving checklist

Energy Saving Checklist

Efficiency is one of the most important qualities of a business. When a business operates with efficiency, every resource it uses goes directly to supporting and expanding the organization’s goals — without anything wasted. However, many companies focus on their organizational efficiency without stopping to consider other ways they could become more efficient. For example, commercial buildings account for nearly one-fifth of the energy consumed in the United States, but a good portion of that energy ends up being wasted for one reason or another. Businesses and commercial property owners concerned about the environment as well as their bottom line should make energy-efficient commercial buildings a high priority.

The good news for these companies is that many of the most important ways they can improve the energy efficiency of their commercial properties are fairly simple. For example, something as relatively easy as making sure lights are turned off when no one is in the room can have a dramatic impact on a building’s energy efficiency. With automatic dimmers, motion detectors or timers, keeping lights off unless they are needed is even easier. Property owners also can work to make their buildings’ HVAC systems more efficient and use less energy through proper insulation around ductwork and regular maintenance. Other energy-efficiency tips for commercial buildings include purchasing ENERGY STAR-rated office equipment including copiers and computers, replacing incandescent light bulbs with CFL or LED bulbs, and encouraging employees to carpool or use public transportation.

This Energy Saving Commercial Checklist was created by Premiere Works


Ensuring commercial buildings waste less energy is more than an environmental concern — it’s a matter of improving the bottom line, as well. Employers and commercial property owners that can reduce the amount of energy they waste on a regular basis not only help decrease the waste of natural resources but also become more resourceful and productive businesses. The following checklist provides some common and easily enacted tips for energy efficiency in commercial buildings. Take a look and see if you can use any of them to help your business save energy.

About The Author

Author bio: Steve Fountaine is Owner of Premiere Works, which serves the Washington, D.C., southern Maryland and northern Virginia areas. Services include commercial painting, construction, contracting, build-outs, office renovations and more.