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Eco Friendly Tips: Bathroom Remodeling Project

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Eco Friendly Tips

The greatest advantage of going full green in your bathroom lies in the fact that you get to reap double benefits. You see, green trends save power and resources (in this case, water), which, in turn, means that they are also drastically reducing your utility bill. So, when it comes to bathroom remodeling, what’s good for the planet is good for your bathroom. Keep in mind that, although some of these innovations come at a hefty price, they are always worth it in the long run. Here are several suggestions.

Solar panel water heater

When it comes to eco-friendly innovation in general, a lot of people immediately think about solar panels. The greatest problem with this kind of innovation is that it may require you to invest quite a bit and wait for 7 to 20 years for it to pay itself off.The reason why there is such a massive difference in payoff expectancy is due to the
fact that different states have different grant programs for such projects. On the other hand, installing a solar-powered water heater might pay itself off in as little as two years, which definitely makes this investment worth your while.

Low-flow fixtures

Another great idea for your bathroom would be to invest in a low-flow showerhead, faucet and toilet, seeing as how the overall savings are simply massive. Look at it this way, a traditional toilet usually spends anywhere between 3 and 6 gallons of water per flush, while some of the newer models use as little as 1.6 gallons to do this job. With a low-flow toilet, you are expected to spend about 1.28 gallons per flush. This means that replacing your old toilet with a low-flow one can save you up to $22 every year. And this is just the toilet we’re talking about, with the showerhead andfaucet the difference is even greater due to the longer duration/frequency of use.

Low-maintenance mode

The next thing you need to keep in mind is that apart from consuming resources, your bathroom also requires a lot of maintenance. Needless to say, some of this maintenance is done with harmful chemicals, which is why an investment in a lowmaintenance mode might drastically reduce the environmental impact of your bathroom. For instance, instead of a standard bathroom mat, you can go with the fashionable moss matt that has recently taken the world by storm. Next, you should look for the most maintenance-friendly bathroom flooring options and inquire about
their maintenance requirements before you make a decision.

Fully-functional bathroom is an eco-friendly bathroom

At the end of the day, all your investment in low-flow fixtures and renewable energy won’t be able to remedy the impact of a single leaking pipe or faucet. While this may sound a bit odd, you would be surprised just how much water and money a single dripping pipe can waste. This is why you might want to contact your local plumber and have them check your bathroom before you proceed with the remodeling. The importance of going local is even greater, seeing as how most people have the habit of contacting a plumber only in the case of an emergency. Therefore, Victoria-based homeowners should probably look for a reliable Melbourne plumber before looking anywhere else.

Running a household is quite similar to running a business because, day in and day out, you are required to make decisions that will have a major impact on the household in the long-run. Today’s investment will give a return in the future and it is your job to make an estimate of those that are worth it and those that are not. The thing about a bathroom remodel, though, is that it is a project you don’t do every year or even every decade. Therefore, you need to choose wisely, due to the fact that you will be stuck with some of your decisions for years and years to come.

Article written for WhosGreenOnline.com by, Diana Smith: Full time mom of two beautiful girls, a great animal and nature lover and a passionate traveler