Friday, July 26, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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Eco Friendly Ideas for a Healthier Bathroom

eco friendly ideas

Eco Friendly Ideas Ideally, a bathroom is an oasis of health and rejuvenation, the place where we can escape from the hustle and bustle. Alas, it is often defiled by chemicals, energy-inefficiency, toxins, mold and other problems. To turn over a new leaf and refresh your bathroom, you do not have to break the bank. There are many simple and ... Read More »

Water-Saving Bathroom: Things to Consider

water-saving bathroom

Water-Saving Bathroom In the times when limited resources and water shortages are becoming a reality in many parts of the world, we need to become more aware of the need to conserve water and teach our children to do the same. We have grown accustomed to having water in the house simply by opening the tap, but as we don’t ... Read More »

Eco Friendly Tips: Bathroom Remodeling Project

eco friendly

Eco Friendly Tips The greatest advantage of going full green in your bathroom lies in the fact that you get to reap double benefits. You see, green trends save power and resources (in this case, water), which, in turn, means that they are also drastically reducing your utility bill. So, when it comes to bathroom remodeling, what’s good for the ... Read More »

Contemporary Bidets: Environmental Benefits

contemporary bidets

Contemporary Bidets Choosing a bidet over a toilet paper is a major trend right now almost everywhere – some reports show that 60 percent of homes in Japan, for example, have a bidet installed. Many people decide to do it for hygienic reasons – it’s true that cleaning your genitals with water instead of toilet paper is more natural, more ... Read More »

Eco-Friendly Solutions for Your Bathroom

eco friendly

Eco-Friendly You can be a global warming denier, and a climate change skeptic, but going green is not only about preserving our environment. Eco-friendly solutions for your home can help you improve your overall quality of life, as well as save you some money. Today, we will not talk about garbage recycling or green transport solutions, instead we would like ... Read More »