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The Bios Urn: Add To Your End of Life Plans

the bios urn

The Bios Urn

At the bottom of this post you can download your very own Bios Urn Pre-Planning form to include in your arrangements.

In this post, we will detail how you can pre-plan with the Bios Urn.

To think about life, also entails thinking about the end of life. We hope that in our efforts to normalize the Bios Urn, that we can traverse the taboo of death and highlight the cycle of life. Life, after life.

There has been a surge in pre-planning, and perhaps this is because there is a personal connection present — people find comfort in knowing they will leave this world how they see fit. We may not have a choice in how we choose to enter this world, but we do have some semblance of choice in how we would like to leave it. Pre planning is so important, because it takes the stress off of family members, and it also ensures that you help lock in the prices at current rates.
There are a few ways you can plan to have the Bios Urn included in your end-of-life plans. So how can you pre-plan with the Bios Urn?

Put the Bios Urn in Writing

Separate Writing
The best way to let your loved ones know about your specific funeral wishes is to write down a list of specific instructions or requests in a document that is separate from your will.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance companies can help plan for the inevitable. If your funeral service or options are included in your life insurance plans, you will have the option of choosing for an urn or casket. If you are interested in the Bios Urn being included, please voice this with your Life Insurance provider! The sum from a life insurance policy could help pay for funeral or associated costs. Standard life insurance does increase in price as you get older.
Funeral Plan
The cost of funerals has been rising steadily and rapidly, which is why paying for yours upfront in agreed upon monthly installments could help provide comfort and less stress. Different plans cover different things, such as cremation, etc so it’s best to choose the one that suits your needs the most.
Tell your family and friends 
Letting your wishes be known is a powerful way of communicating how you would like to leave this world. Try to open up the conversation, and be open with your friends and family about what suits your needs.
Funeral Homes / Funeral Directors / Life Celebrants
If you have a funeral home, funeral director, or life celebrant that you are working with you can make arrangements to have the Bios Urn added into your plans.
Estate Attorney or Estate Planning Firm
Working with an Estate Attorney, or planning for an estate will also allow you to specify what you would like for your end-of-life plans, including specifics about your funeral, or last wishes.
Written or online will
You can visit an attorney in person to make a will, or you can create one simply and easily online using a number of various websites. The procedure for making a will online is very simple, and stress-free. In your will, you can include the Bios Urn in your plans, as well as any other funeral arrangements or memorial service you would be interested in having. This will help family members know when the time comes. Please note* the will should be an additional thing, as generally by the time they are read, the funeral has already been completed.

Customize, choose your tree!

Generally, when you make plans in your will you will need to or can include information related to the service as a whole.
Pre-planning your funeral, and for the Bios Urn should include the following:

– Choose your ceremony and/or service options (if you want one)
– Personalize with any preferences for music, food, flowers, technology and other personal touches you want
– Select the Bios Urn, and your tree of choice
– Decide where you want your Bios Urn and tree to be planted


Many people think that the Bios Urn is generally purchased at the time a person or pet passes away, but that´s not always the case. Many of the individuals who acquire a Bios Urn do so for themselves in advance, as a form of pre-planning (or as we like to call it pre-planting.) Buying the Bios Urn while pre-planning is in some ways self-assertion, as you are choosing to connect yourself with not just a product, but an idea and a movement. As the Bios Urn has no expiration date, it can be saved for as long as you would like. If you are purchasing the Bios Urn in advance as part of your pre-planning, we recommend purchasing one without seeds. You can specify in your will or to your family which tree you would like! Word of mouth and putting it in paper can be useful to help them. The Bios Urn is 100% compatible with all tree species, and can be used with any you desire. It’s best to aim for native or common tree species, to support the local environment. Keeping the Bios Urn on hand could help those who are preparing or handling the funeral, as there will be less stress to deal with all the details. You can choose to pre-purchase the Bios Urn yourself, or can have the funeral home you work with do it for you.

In the U.S – Under the FTC funeral rule, you have a right to purchase any products of your own, and a funeral home or crematorium is legally obligated to use the products of your choice at no additional cost.

Choose a Planting Spot

The Bios Urn can be planted in a number of locations and places all over. We wrote a post about safe places to plant the Urn, which include private property, backyards, gardens, planters / garden pots, the Bios Incube, in memorial gardens, green burial grounds, some cemeteries, and in some forests or national parks.

Here are some examples of where Bios Urn customers have planted their trees!

Subscribe & Download Our Pre-Planning Form.

Over the past four years we’ve worked to bring the Bios Urn to all the people in the world who wanted to use one. Subscribe now and download your Bios Urn Pre-planning form. Join the #lifeafterlife movement.