Saturday, July 27, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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Category Archives: Nature

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Improving The Air Quality In Your House With Plants

12 natural ways to reduce indoor air pollution

Improving The Air Quality In Your House With Plants The average adult spends most of their life indoors, between work, spending time at home, and sleeping. This means that the quality of the air in our homes and offices has a huge effect on our long term health. There are lots of great ways to improve the air quality in ... Read More »

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and


Coronavirus As we live through this pandemic day to day, I am seeing a Global effort like I have never seen before. It is very comforting and positive to see such concern and effort to help mankind and the home of mankind (Earth). I am not a Dr. or a scientist, I am a person much like my neighbor and ... Read More »

Australian Wildfires, Live Update:

Australian Wildfires

Australian Wildfires Iv’e never been to Australia, however I understand Australia is a beautiful country with picturesque coastline, beaches, and sunsets, not to mention the cuddly Koalas and Kangaroos! For those of you that don’t know, Australia has been burning for 2 months now since November 2019, originally starting with a small brush fire that has since  escalated to the ... Read More »

Life Imitates Art or Art Imitating Life

life imitates art

Life Imitates Art or Art Imitating Life After watching the NFL Conference Championship insanity on Sunday, my girlfriend and I started scrolling NetFlix and chose to watch a movie Called IO! The movie deals with a dying Earth, the atmosphere on Earth has become so polluted and toxic, almost all life on Earth has either died or left the planet ... Read More »

5 Benefits of Growing Your Own Organic Garden

organic gardening

Organic Gardening Chemicals are destroying your health. Fruits and vegetables that you eat are laced with pesticides that do more harm than good. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Grow your own food with organic gardening to enjoy delicious, healthy, and inexpensive fruits and vegetables. Here are five awesome benefits of growing your own organic garden. 1. It’ll ... Read More »

8 Simple Eco-Friendly Changes to Make Your Outdoor Life Greener

8 Simple Eco-Friendly Changes Outdoor adventure helps to foster a sense of respect towards the environment, but when we’re not careful, we end up affecting the natural areas we spend time in without realizing it. The next time you go hiking, camping, or on another outdoors adventure, try these eight suggestions to make your outdoor experience environmentally-friendly. Buy Biodegradable Cutlery ... Read More »

Living Green: Enjoy Nature in a Healthy Way

living green

Living Green Every season comes with its own set of aesthetic appeal and predominant colors in nature. This is why cold weather serves as no excuse when it comes to planning an outing into the wilderness. There is always something new to discover as you stroll through the landscape untouched by man. However, one of the important matters you should ... Read More »

Eco-Friendly Preparation for Natural Disasters

eco-friendly preparation

Eco-Friendly Preparation for Natural Disasters Natural disasters affect human society in more than one way. The two most notable examples that always go hand in hand are infrastructural damage and humanitarian crises. However, there is one, equally as tragic after-effect that always follows their trail and makes their consequences even more profound – environmental problems. So, in order to try ... Read More »

Legalized Marijuana, Good for the Planet?

legalized marijuana

Legalized Marijuana The movement for legalized marijuana use and cultivation is picking up steam across the U.S. In California medical marijuana has been legal since 1996, while recreational use—though still not legal—is widely accepted with possession of small amounts as a minor misdemeanor. Since then, multiple other states have followed on California’s footsteps in legalizing the popular plant or at ... Read More »