Saturday, July 27, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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5 Smart Features for a Truly Earth-Friendly Car


Truly Earth-Friendly Car It’s true that one man alone can’t entirely change the world – or is it? There have been many examples throughout the history of our planet where individuals had and still have huge impact on everything, such as Nikola Tesla, for example. Nobody’s expecting from you to be the game-changer, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try ... Read More »

Elon Musk Shows His Love for Tesla

elon musk

Elon Musk Twin brothers Adam and Nathan Freise are aspiring filmmakers and Tesla fans. They’re such big fans, in fact, that they created a video to showcase just how great they think Tesla is. And they weren’t even paid by Tesla to do it (Tesla doesn’t do direct marketing). Several fans have also made promo videos for the car company, but Tesla CEO Elon Musk liked this one so much he tweeted about it. The ... Read More »

Elon Musk, 17 Celebrities That Love The Tesla

elon musk

Elon Musk Tesla has become incredibly popular in recent years. The electric car company’s revolutionary powerwall battery allows you to charge your car with energy generated from residential solar panels. It has already sold out through 2016. And Elon Musk is hoping his Model S will be the first mass-produced all-electric car. He’s building a Tesla Gigafactory outside of Reno, Nevada that he is hoping ... Read More »