Saturday, July 27, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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Interior Design: Focus on Health and Sustainability

interior design

Interior Design: Focus on Health and Sustainability The study of environmental psychology has a long history, dating back to ancient China and India and it has always strived to emphasize the inextricable bond between people and elements of nature. In modern times, the idea is still present and further aided by research in neuroscience and psychology. The results undeniably show ... Read More »

Anatomy Of A Green Home

Smart Home

Anatomy Of A Green Home You probably know that it’s smart to make sustainable changes in your home — but is the cost worth it? A lot of people think that living in a green home is expensive, but the reality is that sustainable homes save $723–$1,182 in energy bills annually. If you haven’t made some eco-friendly upgrades, you’re missing ... Read More »

Green Home Renovation: How To?

green home renovation

Green Home Renovation Living in a world that’s close to an ecological disaster means it’s high time we actually did something about it. While you may think your efforts are small and insignificant, it’s far away from the truth and if everyone made just a small change, we could shift the paradigm together and make a palpable difference in the ... Read More »

Green Home Renovation & The Max. Benefits

Green Home Renovation Green renovations are a true breath of fresh air sweeping across the residential landscape. They give homeowners a chance to boost the energy efficiency, value, and comfort of their homes. These are some amazing long-term benefits. Yet, figuring out where to start and which projects to take on can be a real challenge. You have to grasp ... Read More »

Easy Ways To Go Green at Home, Not Go Broke

house method

Go Green at Home Going green and opting for a sustainable way of living can often be pretty expensive, so people tend to focus only on a handful of things. If you break things down into several projects, you won’t have to go over your budget or give up your new lifestyle. You need to remember that even a few ... Read More »

Home Energy Savings Infographic

save energy

Home Energy Savings Replace older incandescent light bulbs with LED or CFL bulbs that consume less energy. Make sure attics and basements are properly insulated. Change HVAC filters monthly. Install a programmable or smart thermostat. Wrap your water heater with an insulated blanket to prevent heat loss. Put timers and/or motion detectors on outdoor lighting fixtures. Replace older appliances with ... Read More »

Eco friendly, Green Fixes for Your Home

5 Travel Destinations That Are Both Exciting and Eco-Friendly

Eco Friendly Many people think that making home more green and eco-friendly is too complicated and expensive. In fact, there are numerous small and simple steps you can take in order to go green at home. So before immediately saying no to the green lifestyle, you may want to consider these tips and tricks for going green. Decrease phantom load ... Read More »

Green Up Your Home, 9 Affordable Ways

Biophilic Design

Green Up Your Home In recent years, environmental impact became a very frequently discussed topic. However, the blame for everything going wrong with the world is not entirely on politicians and huge corporations. According to a recent analysis published by the Journal of Industrial Ecology, 60%-80% of overall environmental impact comes from household consumption. It is obvious that, if we ... Read More »