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Sustainable Features: What Every New Home Needs

sustainable features

Sustainable Features

Sustainable features are a major home selling point and highly desirable lifestyle staples. To integrate them, you are much better off planning ahead of time instead of doing expensive remodeling projects later. Namely, those who are building homes from the ground up have a chance to make the most of various exciting products, save a great deal of money, and reduce adverse impacts on the environment. These benefits are not something that should be ignored. So, here is how to build with sustainability in mind and what to include when doing it.

Home construction

Nowadays, sustainability is built into homes right off the bat, in the construction stage. Regardless of where you are, it should be possible to find good contractors. For instance, these Sydney-based home builders handle projects for every budget and lifestyle needs. Their in-house architects champion innovative and creative design that can encompass a variety of sustainable systems and features.

Renewable energy sources

Energy conservation is the prime goal of any green home. To make a real difference in this area, every homeowner should consider tapping into renewable energy sources. Houses that have deep roots with loops that extend far into the ground can serve as parts of the geothermal system and extract heat from the ground. Likewise, solar power is another major source of clean energy. Depending on the local climate, it could be the most suitable option for covering a bulk of energy needs. Note that aspects like orientation and location of the home play a major role here as well.

sustainable features

Smart technology

Smart and green homes are interwoven concepts that produce a new wave of buildings equipped to tackle the challenges and requirements of the 21st century. One of the most popular products comes in the form of a smart, programmable thermostat. It is used to pinpoint the exact temperature of the indoor space and manage it easily. These devices use motion-sensors, smartphone apps and other features to learn patterns and preferences of inhabitants and adjust the temperature accordingly. Hence, they reduce energy consumption and save a considerable amount of money in the long run.

Water conservation

Water-saving features are a hallmark of any green home. They trim utility bills and do something good for Mother Nature. Take the example of smart irrigation systems with dedicated controllers that tailor your water use to minimize waste. Furthermore, rainwater collectors on the roof, combined with gutters and downspouts, can supplement conventional water usage and work wonders for your household budget. Inside your home, there are many ways to optimize water consumption, such as installing prime-quality plumbing systems, low-flow showerheads, low-flush toilets, etc.

Stewards of air quality

Air pollution is a dire problem that plagues many households. Believe it or not, it can be many times worse and far deadlier than the pollution outside. Luckily, we are not without tools to do away with it. An air filtration system brings fresh outdoor air inside and filters out pollutants, allergens, and contaminants. An efficient HVAC design is crucial for boosting both the air quality and fine-tuning energy consumption. What is more, homeowners should try to maximize natural ventilation, use other products such as air purifiers and add air plants as natural filters.

sustainable features

Efficient doors and windows

Doors and windows are often the weakest links in the building’s design. They lead to substantial air leaks and unwanted temperature loss. To prevent this from happening, you should use energy-efficient products with proper weather stripping. Ensure proper sealing around every window and door. Pay attention to the type of glass and glazing, as well as insulation value. You might have to pay more right now, but you will avoid a lot of unnecessary expenditures down the road. Keep the elements out and desired temperature inside.

Down the green road

What we build matters a great deal, and how we build it does too. If you put thought, effort, and money into a new home project, you will be able to avoid renovation costs, high maintenance, and other problems that owners of conventional and poorly-designed homes face. All in all, this is an investment well worth making because green features increase the value, energy efficiency, appeal, and comfort of the home. They should be the golden standard in this day and age, so build something that will last – a home you will love and adore.

About The Author

Written for WhosGreenOnline.com by, Lillian Connors, @lillian_connors Lillian constantly embarks on fresh #homeimprovement #greenliving #officedesign projects and spreads the word about them.