Friday, July 26, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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House Method Contribution

house method

House Method One of our readers, Emily, (Brand Editor) from House Method, sent us some very useful content to share with our readers, after reviewing her suggestion, I undoubtedly chose to spread the wonderful knowledge of sustainability, that is what we do here at harbors a non-biased, (neutral) political position and viewpoint! However………when it comes to Mother Earth, we will ... Read More »

Easy Ways to Save Energy Around Your Home

how to go green in the home

Easy Ways to Save Energy Around Your Home   Is your home as energy efficient as it can be? Asking yourself this question can save you lots of money. If your answer was no, it might be time to make some changes. By making some simple adjustments to your home, you can create a space that is more energy efficient, ... Read More »

5 Travel Destinations That Are Both Exciting and Eco-Friendly

5 Travel Destinations That Are Both Exciting and Eco-Friendly

5 Travel Destinations That Are Both Exciting and Eco-Friendly Eco-friendly tourism is certainly gaining a lot of popularity nowadays. Visiting countries that are doing whatever they can in order to preserve their nature is definitely recommendable, so if you don’t happen to know where to go next, one of these countries would be an ideal solution. So, what are the ... Read More »

Eco Friendly DIY Drain Repair

14 Items That Could Clog Your Pipes

Eco Friendly DIY Drain Repair Blocked drains are common household situations in life. The signs are obvious in such cases. Water goes off slowly from the sink. Sometime there are unpleasant smells or colors in the collected liquids. Blocked drain condition can arise when solid particles, debris or hair gets stuck in the pipes. Drains which are blocked often lead ... Read More »

Green Investing: Why You Should Invest in the Environment

top green business resources

Green Investing One of the best things about the green movement is that anyone can get involved! No matter what your situation is, there’s some way to help, whether it’s volunteering with a local organization or simply making eco-friendly household swaps. While those things are great, we have reached a critical point where we’re going to need to do more ... Read More »

How To Use Center Sustainability into Your Fitness Routine

Sustainability in Your Fitness Routine

Sustainability in Your Fitness Routine The beginning of the new year is when everyone re-evaluates their fitness routines and determine that they want to make a change. Whether you’re a seasoned workout pro or are trying to integrate working out into your routine more, you might also be interested in doing so in a sustainable way. You’re treating your body ... Read More »

Life Imitates Art or Art Imitating Life

life imitates art

Life Imitates Art or Art Imitating Life After watching the NFL Conference Championship insanity on Sunday, my girlfriend and I started scrolling NetFlix and chose to watch a movie Called IO! The movie deals with a dying Earth, the atmosphere on Earth has become so polluted and toxic, almost all life on Earth has either died or left the planet ... Read More »

How to Ditch Plastic in the Bathroom


How to Ditch Plastic in the Bathroom The average American throws away about 185 pounds of plastic every year, and 50% of the plastic we use gets thrown away after only a single use. It’s no mystery why we have a plastic pollution crisis on our hands. And while small ways might have made a dent in the problem once, ... Read More »

5 Benefits of Growing Your Own Organic Garden

organic gardening

Organic Gardening Chemicals are destroying your health. Fruits and vegetables that you eat are laced with pesticides that do more harm than good. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Grow your own food with organic gardening to enjoy delicious, healthy, and inexpensive fruits and vegetables. Here are five awesome benefits of growing your own organic garden. 1. It’ll ... Read More »