Saturday, July 27, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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Creating the Best At-Home Composting System


Composting At Home With landfills filling up and this planet crying for help, there’s no better time than now to start giving back to Mother Earth. One great way is to start a home composting system. Instead of pitching your kitchen waste in the garbage can and forgetting about it, why not recycle it into soil for your yard? You’ll ... Read More »

Earth Day 2020 and

earth day

Earth Day 2020 I find it very ironic that Earth Day would fall at the peak of a Global Pandemic like never before seen on Earth. With the current Global Pandemic taking up 99.9% of our daily lives, I’ll be the first to admit, it is rather difficult for us to focus on Earth Day! With such unprecedented mayhem spewing ... Read More »

10 Ways to Stay Sane & Active While Social Distancing

10 Ways to Stay Sane & Active While Social Distancing ***Original Article written by Julie Singh of: There’s no denying that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has put a stop to almost all outdoor activities. With increased home quarantines and social distancing measures, cancelling outdoor adventures has become the new norm. This may leave you bored, anxious, and searching for ways to ... Read More »

Opportunity lies in every crisis


Opportunity lies in every crisis As we all are living in one the most fearful times in modern history, it is important to keep positive and try to look on the bright side of life and find the beauty surrounding us! Although it may be difficult to do, we must, in order to keep our sanity, health and positive nature ... Read More »

Green Finance in Hungary: Supporting Sustainability

environmental impact

Green Finance in Hungary: Supporting Sustainability Improving sustainability is a common goal for everyone, as it makes our environment more livable in the long run. The green finance guide of the Central Bank of Hungary is key in making Hungarian green finance more prevalent in the investment scene, and in turn, making Hungary an even more attractive destination for investors ... Read More »

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and


Coronavirus As we live through this pandemic day to day, I am seeing a Global effort like I have never seen before. It is very comforting and positive to see such concern and effort to help mankind and the home of mankind (Earth). I am not a Dr. or a scientist, I am a person much like my neighbor and ... Read More »

5 Eco-Friendly Changes to Protect The Environment

recycled materials

5 Eco-Friendly Changes You Can Make to Protect The Environment There’s no question that our planet needs us more than ever right now. So how can you start taking steps to help protect and preserve the environment? Well, reducing your carbon footprint can start with a few simple changes at home. So if you want to live a greener life ... Read More »

Smart Homes, You and the Environment

home comfort and climate change

How Smart Homes Are Beneficial for Both You and the Environment Building custom homes has grown in popularity over the past several years. Today, it is possible for home buyers to completely tailor their homes to meet their needs. In many instances, these buyers want to build smart homes that not only offer benefits to families. These homes are considered ... Read More »

How to Travel Responsibly on a Budget

How to Travel Responsiblyy

How to Travel Responsibly on a Budget As traveling the world becomes easier and easier with years come, there’s nothing stopping us from fulfilling our wanderlust tendencies. As our bucket lists fill up with all the places we would like to see year after year, there are some ways to responsibly travel the world when on a budget.  Did you ... Read More »