Friday, July 26, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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Sustainable Home Building: New Milestones

sustainable home building

Sustainable Home Building “Thinking green” has turned into one of the most ubiquitous mantras of the 21st century. Faced with the pessimistic odds when it comes to the unpredictability of the volatile weather conditions and climate fluctuations, the humanity has started to change its living habits. The process is very gradual, almost seamless, but the changes are definitely on their ... Read More »

Sustainable Home Construction: Developments

sustainable home construction

Sustainable Home Construction Whether you are building a modern, traditional or an eco-friendly house, there are many paths to choose from. If you’re opting for lowering your environmental impact, then an environmentally-friendly construction is the right choice to make. Deciding on the greenest option is open for debate, but what is equally important is picking the right location, architectural style, ... Read More »

Sustainable Concrete…..Sustainable?

sustainable concrete

Sustainable Concrete Most people don’t know this, but concrete is one of the key contributors to sustainable development. It’s the most widely used out of all construction materials and is a major factor in Australia’s economic well-being via investment, employment, and taxation. It’s used literally everywhere: in bridges, roads, apartment buildings, schools, hospitals and although it’s very versatile as a ... Read More »