Saturday, July 27, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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Opportunity lies in every crisis


Opportunity lies in every crisis As we all are living in one the most fearful times in modern history, it is important to keep positive and try to look on the bright side of life and find the beauty surrounding us! Although it may be difficult to do, we must, in order to keep our sanity, health and positive nature ... Read More »

5 Eco-Friendly Changes to Protect The Environment

recycled materials

5 Eco-Friendly Changes You Can Make to Protect The Environment There’s no question that our planet needs us more than ever right now. So how can you start taking steps to help protect and preserve the environment? Well, reducing your carbon footprint can start with a few simple changes at home. So if you want to live a greener life ... Read More »

The Low Down on Plastic Bottled Water

plastic water bottles

Plastic Bottled Water ***Note from publisher: Michael R. Craig I feel the 2 biggest concerns regarding our future on EARTH are: Plastic and Population! The concept of the bottled water has been around for over two centuries. When plastic was invented, the world saw a rise in the production of plastic bottled water because it is convenient. Most of all, ... Read More »

Ten Habits To Get Plastic Out Of Our Lives


Ten Simple Habits to get the Plastic out of our lives Brands like; Franprix, McDonalds, are countless signs that anticipate the ban on the sale of certain plastic disposable products by 1st January 2020. It is no longer a secret that plastic contaminates the planet. Now, you can find everywhere in nature, on the beach, beneath the oceans and even ... Read More »

How to Ditch Plastic in the Bathroom


How to Ditch Plastic in the Bathroom The average American throws away about 185 pounds of plastic every year, and 50% of the plastic we use gets thrown away after only a single use. It’s no mystery why we have a plastic pollution crisis on our hands. And while small ways might have made a dent in the problem once, ... Read More »

Disposable Water Bottles, and The Facts

opportunity lies in every crisis

Disposable Water Bottles You’ve likely heard of the dangers of BPA in plastic water bottles and the harmful effects it can have on your health. It’s true; disposable plastic bottles have been linked to reproductive issues, asthma, and even breast cancer. But that’s not all. They’re also doing severe long-term damage to the health of our planet. Disposable plastic water ... Read More »

Plastic Pollution: Reduce your plastic waste

opportunity lies in every crisis

Plastic Pollution You might have heard of the challenge Plastic free July before. It is an initiative to encourage people not to use single-use plastics. The motive behind it makes total sense: for example, why would you need to use plastic, a material that takes centuries to decompose for wrapping which loses its purpose right after the product is open? ... Read More »

Recycled Plastic Outdoor Furniture & Plastic Lumber

recycled plastic

Recycled Plastic You may think the best reason to recycle plastic is to reuse it and save our resources or maybe to keep the landfills from overflowing. Maybe you already know that just producing bottled water for the USA uses about 17 million barrels of oil per year and creates over 2.5 million tons of CO2 each year and a ... Read More »

Plastic Bag Ban, 6 Making a Huge Difference

Plastic bag ban

  Plastic Bag Ban Good news! Plastics bans across the world have been hitting the headlines lately. From the U.S. to India to Morocco, governing bodies are taking control of the plastic pollution problem, bringing in either complete bans on plastic or bans on specific forms like polystyrene. 1. Karnataka, India In March this year, the Indian state of Karnataka ... Read More »