Saturday, July 27, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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Australian Wildfires, Live Update:

Australian Wildfires

Australian Wildfires Iv’e never been to Australia, however I understand Australia is a beautiful country with picturesque coastline, beaches, and sunsets, not to mention the cuddly Koalas and Kangaroos! For those of you that don’t know, Australia has been burning for 2 months now since November 2019, originally starting with a small brush fire that has since  escalated to the ... Read More »

Earth Will Be A “Ball of Fire in 600 Years”


Earth ***The recent wild fires in So. Ca., accompanied with the excessive heat tell me; A sign of things to come? I came across this story on EcoWatch,  I read it, and I have to say; It has stuck with me now for days. Through hundreds of hours of research, combined with what little common sense I have, I have to ... Read More »

Trump Changes His Mind On Global Warmng


Trump I turn on the nine o’clock news, and the “Top News Story” is President Trump is changing his mind on Global Warming! There is overwhelming evidence that Humans are causing “Global Warming!”   Q: What is global warming? A: Here’s a simple definition of global warming. (And yes, it’s really happening.) Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has ... Read More »

Climate Change: Being Eco-Friendly On A Budget

Reduce Energy Footprint

Climate Change The impacts of climate change can be felt all over the world, in many different ways, and unfortunately the topic is so controversial that quite a bit of speculation and misinformation has made its way around the newsrooms and Internet. People are unsure of what to believe, and many people don’t have all the facts about how climate ... Read More »

Climate Change Is Real and We Must Act

climate change

Climate Change In the studio of a Los Angeles radio station, host Tina Mastramico was kicking off another edition of her show Celebrity Chat. “We’re here with Don Cheadle,” she said, “to discuss the Environmental Defense Fund [EDF], his new movie.” Cheadle, the actor-director and climate activist, seemed taken aback. “Um, EDF isn’t a movie. It’s an organization that helps ... Read More »

Mount Everest Climbers May One Day Climb Ice-Free

mount everest

Mount Everest The Himalayan Mountains and Tibetan Plateau, dubbed the “Third Pole” for having the largest ice mass on Earth after the polar regions, are rapidly losing their glaciers. Eighteen percent of China’s glaciers have vanished in the past 50 years according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Air pollution and rising air temperatures are combining to increase glacial melt, ... Read More »

Climate Threshold, Earth Just Permanently Passed

climate threshold

Climate Threshold Carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere stayed above 400 parts per million (ppm) during September—a time when CO2 levels typically hit the yearly low—raising fears that the planet has reached a point of no return. “Concentrations will probably hover around 401 ppm over the next month as we sit near the annual low point. Brief excursions towards lower values ... Read More »

Climate Change, Scientists Say Humans Are Causing

climate change

Climate Change A new study confirms the expert consensus that humans are causing climate change, with a meta-analysis of research showing a convergence on the 97 percent agreement figure among climate scientists. We know how much deniers love questioning the scientific consensus, so we can only imagine how they will react to a consensus on the consensus.Expert consensus levels from ... Read More »

Climate Policy, 10 Largest Companies ‘Obstructing’

climate policy

Climate Policy New research reveals that nearly half (45 percent) of the world’s 100 largest companies are “obstructing climate change legislation.” And those that aren’t actively obstructing climate policy are members of trade associations that do. A full 95 percent of these companies are members of trade associations “demonstrating the same obstructionist behavior.” With help from the Union of Concerned Scientists, UK-based ... Read More »