Friday, July 26, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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Renewable Energy, Aruba Commits 100%

Greener Lifestyle

Renewable Energy While many nations are taking steps toward energy independence, Aruba is diving in. In 2012, the small island nation pledged to transition to 100 percent renewable energy within eight years. Justin Locke is director of the island energy program at the Carbon War Room, an international nonprofit. He said it makes sense for islands to switch to clean ... Read More »

Renewable Energy Will Soon Surpass Coal and Nuclear Power

renewable energy

Renewable Energy As a certified energy geek, I always look forward to this time of year. On July 11 and July 12, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) holds their annual conference to discuss current energy technology, market and policy issues and presents results from their new Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) 2016 report. One of the headlines this year is EIA’s ... Read More »

Greener Roads In Residential Electricity

solar power

Greener Roads The growing concern for the environment combined with rising electricity costs has resulted in a lot of effort to make people’s homes greener and energy efficient (greener roads). While in the past, this might have been reserved only for the affluent, nowadays, anyone can apply green measures with little effort and a reasonable amount of money. In addition, ... Read More »