Saturday, July 27, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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Ten Habits To Get Plastic Out Of Our Lives


Ten Simple Habits to get the Plastic out of our lives Brands like; Franprix, McDonalds, are countless signs that anticipate the ban on the sale of certain plastic disposable products by 1st January 2020. It is no longer a secret that plastic contaminates the planet. Now, you can find everywhere in nature, on the beach, beneath the oceans and even ... Read More »

Plastic Purge Challenge In 28 Days

plastic purge

Plastic Purge Plastic is everywhere. Look around you right now and count the number of things that you know contain plastic. Convenient and cheap, yes. But there are some major pitfalls to living in a plastic world. Plastics can harbor some nasty ingredients, such as phthalates and BPA. And in addition to polluting your body, all that plastic is polluting the ... Read More »