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"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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What Can Fashion Learn From the Construction Industry?

What can fashion learn from the construction industry?

What Can Fashion Learn From the Construction Industry? The construction industry is widely regarded as having one of the lowest levels of efficiency out of all industries worldwide, as well as being exceptionally slow to implement modern technologies. If you consider the construction of a modern house, you might well conjure up the image of a brick-layer carefully laying mortar ... Read More »

Green Construction Technology in 2018: 6 Trends

green construction technology

Green Construction Technology The construction sector of today is influenced by technology more than ever before, and many concepts that were once found only in sci-fi books are slowly becoming a part of the mainstream building industry. Additionally, green construction and eco-friendly materials are finding their way into construction because of the damage that has been done to the environment. ... Read More »

Green Construction, Materials and Technologies

green construction

Green Construction In this day and age, you can hear almost everyone talking about “going green.” The thing is, that trend will not go away, and at some point, every construction company will have to follow in the same direction. This will happen because, quite simply, we have no other choice. We have destroyed our planet, and now we have ... Read More »

Sustainable Concrete…..Sustainable?

sustainable concrete

Sustainable Concrete Most people don’t know this, but concrete is one of the key contributors to sustainable development. It’s the most widely used out of all construction materials and is a major factor in Australia’s economic well-being via investment, employment, and taxation. It’s used literally everywhere: in bridges, roads, apartment buildings, schools, hospitals and although it’s very versatile as a ... Read More »