Friday, July 26, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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Refrigerator Resources to Reduce Food Waste

food waste

Reduce Food Waste Food waste might not seem like a huge problem in many households. You throw away some produce on one day and maybe some leftovers the next day, but all of that food adds up.   The average American household throws away 32% of the food that it buys, according to the American Journal of Agricultural Economics. And ... Read More »

Solid Waste, Here’s A Guide To Get Rid Of

solid waste

Solid Waste The United States is the land of plenty. Unfortunately, that also means we generate plenty of waste. The amount of solid waste generated yearly by the average American household has been rising steadily over the last 50 years. Although recycling and other green/sustainability efforts have helped us to treat waste disposal in a more responsible manner, it’s still ... Read More »