Sunday, December 22, 2024
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need.....not every man’s greed" -Mahatma Gandhi
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Tag Archives: bottled water

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Water: the Essential Life-Sustaining Element

eco-friendly preparation

Water It seems the world is finally waking up to the fact that there is a fixed amount of water on Earth and an uncontrollable burst of population that uses water at a rapidly increasing rate. Though the planet is covered with huge areas of water, only 2.5 % of it is currently usable and the rest is saltwater. The ... Read More »

Plastic Pollution: Reduce your plastic waste

opportunity lies in every crisis

Plastic Pollution You might have heard of the challenge Plastic free July before. It is an initiative to encourage people not to use single-use plastics. The motive behind it makes total sense: for example, why would you need to use plastic, a material that takes centuries to decompose for wrapping which loses its purpose right after the product is open? ... Read More »

Green Alternatives to Bottled Water

opportunity lies in every crisis

Green Alternatives Drinking fresh and healthy water has become a huge problem all around the world. Some time ago, you could be sure that the running water coming out of your kitchen tap was potable and nobody could tell you otherwise. Now, people in some parts of the globe can’t be certain of this, since the land, as well as ... Read More »