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Bios Urn, A Catalyst For Life

bios urn

Bios Urn

Bios Urn is much more than an urn — it’s a catalyst for life. It is made using 100% biodegradable materials, and is respectful to the environment in all the ways possible. Built with a special capsule that meets the needs of any type of tree, it’s the perfect medium to allow for the proper growth of a tree or plant when planted with the remains of your loved one.

Bios Urn is a company driven by Gerard and Roger Moliné, two brothers that believes design, in conjunction with nature, has the ability to change the world. Supported by more than 15 years of natural projects, Bios offers a smart, sustainable and eco-friendly solution to approach an inevitable phase of human life. Bios aims to change the way people see death, converting the “end of life” into a transformative process and promoting a return to life through nature.

Death is nothing but a word. A construction of the human mind. The only thing real, is life.

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