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Tree Care Service: How to Start it Up

tree care

Tree Care

Trees are the lungs of the Earth – we all know that – so it is of paramount importance to protect them as much as we can. Although it might appear to be mundane work to a casual passerby, taking care of trees comes with its own share of dangers. Physical injuries are not uncommon, and when you are just a blue-collar worker risking your neck for somebody else’s company, it loses its meaning after a short while. After all, if you’re going to take the risk and see the financial potential behind it, why wouldn’t you take the necessary step and start your own tree care business?

Business plan

Every experienced entrepreneur will tell you a solid startup begins with a carefully developed business plan. Preparations, contingencies and analysis are the first steps you should take and asking yourself tough questions about the nature of the business and your preparation to commit can make all the difference in the world.

You do not want to end up in a situation where you realize this is actually a wrong venture altogether. For tree care service, these questions and preparations are especially important due to the fact this is a very competitive industry. For this reason, an in-depth competitive analysis is probably the most important part of the preparation. Thankfully, with modern tools like computers and the internet available to all of us, you can do some really thorough research and find exhaustive information.

The internet is your greatest ally

Now that we are mentioning computers, here is one element that is familiar to all startups – cheap or free marketing strategies developed online. First of all, it goes without saying you will tap into the endless power of social networks to market your business without spending a single dime. This is where creating connections and asking for a simple share can be just as important as marketing yourself on a local radio station (maybe even more so).

This is the time when your closest friends show their true colors – it might seem like a cheap request, but if you want to succeed you cannot shy away from asking your friends for such small favors that take only one or two clicks. After all, you are a tree care startup, not a thriving law firm.

tree care

Necessary equipment

In order to purchase all the necessary equipment for this kind of business, you need to take a loan from the bank to the tune of somewhere between $30,000 and $50,000. Try to find a used truck in order to save up a bit and focus on buying high-quality equipment such as saws, pruning tools, ladders, chainsaws, safety equipment and work clothing and protection gear.

Of course, you will need to get insurance both for yourself and other employees/business partners, since operating all that equipment has some risks attached to them, especially as the trees you need to “shave” get taller.

Safe heights

Tree care service includes a lot of vertical work. Dizzying heights are just a regular part of your workday, so keeping yourself safe becomes crucial. After all, fall related injuries are always a danger when it comes to elevated work.

Ladders come in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes they can be both stable and high enough to get the job done. However, if you want a fully modular and firm platform that can get you to very specific and very high areas, one of those rough terrain scissor lifts might be right up your alley. They are exceptionally mobile, letting you manoeuvre in tight worksites and providing you with exceptional traction, speed and gradeability.

In the end, tree care service is just like any other startup – it takes time and commitment, not to mention perseverance, to nurse the newly founded business and turn it into a stable and reliable venture. Proper planning and diligent marketing research should prepare you for trials and tribulations along the way, and if you truly believe this is a sort of work you are good at, do not spend precious time mulling it over – go out and start it up.

About The Author

Article written for by Lillian Connors. Lillian constantly embarks on fresh #homeimprovement #greenliving #officedesign projects and spreads the word about them.
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